IF YOU ARE STARTING your Spring Cleaning you may already wish it was summer After all, if it has been months, or a year (or longer) since you last really tried to get rid of the unwanted things residing in your home, spring can easily turn into anyone's least favorite season.
So if your house is beginning to resemble the inside of a garbage can, or your backyard looks like a junkyard, try these strategies for removing the unwanted stuff from your home.
Set goals. It might not be practical to tackle all the clutter throughout your home, or even an entire room, depending on the severity of your situation and what your energy level is. So don't even try. Just determine what you want to attempt.
Set guidelines. you might want to give yourself guidelines, like "making a blanket decision that all magazines more than two months old can automatically be thrown out, or that any clothes smaller than one size below your current size can automatically be donated."
Having guidelines will speed up the process, "If you start with some low-hanging fruit, it will get easier to make decisions confidently."
Throw away all garbage. If you have rooms crammed with Clutter you probably have items that can be immediately ferried to the garbage can without giving it a second thought. Maybe there's an empty bag of chips lying around (you know, real garbage), or some empty shoe boxes you kept, thinking you might store something in them one day. Get rid of them. Make getting rid of trash one of the first things you do.
Identify what you want to get rid of. If you can, at the start of your junk-removal process, put everything in one area, If moving everything to one area isn't practical, she suggests labeling the items so you know what will eventually be going to charity or what you plan to sell and so on.
Set a timer. This doesn't have to be an all-day affair. If you want to work in small doses, try setting a timer or planning to fill up a certain number of boxes, this will keep you from getting overwhelmed,
Know who will be getting your junk. That is, if you're going to start your junk-removal process, try to have your happy ending already planned. In other words, where is all this stuff going to go, if not to another part of your home? Although You have several possible exit doors to consider. Hire a professional junk remover. There are plenty of them out there, like “Junk Gone Today”
"For a fee, they will come and take the junk away, Now That's the quickest and cheapest way to removed unwanted items in Cleveland, Ohio